This will probably be quite heavy. But hopefully also useful. I will try to go through the maps.
I will share what I know, and expand as I learn more of course.
Abby is a sommer map. It is called Monastary in the replay files and it can be tricky to play.
There is a monatary thing in the middle surrounded with houses and roads on each side. The road in the 1-2 line, has a plateau-parallel road through the cliffs and the road in the 8 line, has water and some smaller islands next to it. In the middle of this road, is a little hill road leading up to a plateau, where some light tanks can spot the middle and the opposite base, and other tanks could get flanking and assistance shots on tanks in on the abby in the middle or on each of the sides.
In most of the battles fought on this map, the heavy tanks tend to head towards the western road in the 1-2 line. They are close to rocks here, and there are very few spots being open to artillery fire. One place, is exposed in particular though, and that is the middle where the plateau opens up, and allows entrence midways through. The wrecks placed in this spot, might allow cover from landfighting oponents, but not from artillery fire. That's why it is so important, to keep moving with artillery in play. Even forth and back on the spot.
Playing artillery, will probably feel like going on the dark side for some players, but you will learn where the artillery can reach and the spots available for this class. You will also be able to see the battle through the eyes of artillery. So all the things, you find annoying, when you play artillery, is what most artillery players find annoying. I will return to the whole artillery bit later on.
Medium tanks, can go along with the heavies and take position by the bushes on the plateau, if they have good accuracy. What I have seen though, is that some mediums do also play the Abby. The village around the Abby, or the mere roads leading in to the Abby and Abby village area. Though, the tank destroyers in the bushes across, can be an issue for the medium tanks